
First things first.

I must apologise. I'm very bad at linking names to faces. However, if I don't know your name, it means you've been a nice student. I only out of absolute necessity remember the names of the bad students. Usually the boys (and girls) running around making too much noise (not doing my work) and trying to prove to the world how much of a fool they really are.

So yeah, thanks for not pissing me off, but sorry i never really got your name because of that. I'm immensely guilty because you deserve better than an ungrateful name forgetting teacher. 

What I do remember though are your faces. Most of them at least. Once again sorry if I don't know your name it's not your fault. You're great and I love you all the same.
And love I did, and still do. Every single one of you. from the girls who never talk to the guys drumming on the tables. From the ones who listen to heavy metal, to the ones plucking out flower petals. Sayin' he loves me, he loves me not, cos teenage hearts they get broken alot. Know that I loved every single one of you with every bit of my heart, and I had a wonderful time teaching you guys.

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