
Humour Will Save the World

Now I've been a fan of hiphop for a while now but the sad thing is no new good hiphop has been played on radio/MTV for like 5 years.

MTV Hiphop of late has been dominated by songs made up of a raunchy beat with random verses of braggadocio and someone from the Pussycat Dolls on the chorus. Which is cool if you're bumpin in the club or just want something to bop your head along to but really, it's pretty shallow music.

Now for the longest time I've been grappling with this love (for the lesser known & older school rappers) hate (for the diluted gimmickry you get through MTV) relationship with hiphop, and its hard to express the reasons behind it in words.

So I was pleasantly surprised to find that Chris Rock said it best.

Nobody makes cuss words sound/look cooler. Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaat!

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