
Technology Never Made Us Happier.

That's what I said. But I really don't know why I'm so happy getting my new phone. Maybe it's because the older one is completely unusable (2 minutes of talk-time!). Maybe it's because the Nokia 6700 is black and is sexy.

I'm actually freakin amazed at what my phone can do. It's actually stuff that's been around for a while but I'm just that damned Old School to not have ever used 'em. It's got internet (Expensive but amazing), an Organiser to keep me from forgetting, and a decent camera with flash! There's MSN FREE (Which means while I'm stuck in a boring lecture I can ask Ah-P who's rockin' it in Taiwan)! I used to think that mobile MSN thing was a really geeky thing to have but now that I have it I think it's the coolest. I'm selective like that.
I haven't even tried the youtube (probably expensive), Flickr and FREE Facebook (OMG) but right now phone is lookin amazing.
Matter fact I'm actually quite sure somewhere inside I'll find something that'll save the World.

It's funny how amidst all the wonders in my palm now, the only thing I'm missing is my monophonic, straight from the ring tone composer days Super Mario ring tone which disapppeared with my first lost phone :(
Anyone who helps me obtain it gets a FREE..uh.... FREE! Yeah. Singaporeans let's get down!

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