
Sometimes it's Just About Choosing the Right Tablecloth

Design Society Conference with the very awesome Winnie. Felt slightly weird since I don't exactly do design much anymore but was still nice to see how some of Singapore's best get to where they are. While it felt slightly odd, it really did make me want to do some design again.

Local design rockstars :Phunk Studio were in session (4 guys @ Left). So was Chong Jin (Green Tee), a lecturer from Temasek Design School that (fortunately) never got the nightmare of teaching me. This was the Q&A session and i really was itching to ask them "What's up with the rolled up jeans?"

Things I've learnt:
-Make mistakes while you still can afford to.
-Sometimes even the best Designers smoke through.
-The Salvation Army is a good source of cheap, chic furniture.
-Do and learn from doing. Even namecards and brochures.
-Find people who you can drink teh tarik and talk cock with.
-Kelley Cheng is cute/funny/cute.
-Most designers like most of us are quite cock up.
-Creativity is more important than budget or time.

-Design can be fun.

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