
Welcome to um..


Few weeks back we performed at City Harvest's Basement 4 Auditorium. Before Ion Orchard the only other B4 I know of was too damn secret to mention >.<>.<

The crazy thing is that the production crew for the Church service produces a Hi-5 level production with singing and dancing and a kick ass live band seemingly every week for all the kids that come in. It's slightly formulaic but it sure ain't easy to pull off.

You can't see it but the kids are RUNNING in.

Backstage with light bulb lined mirrors! ^^

15 secs to showtime.

The very kickass sounding band!

Did I mention we even had Jervonne follow us around the Church making sure our EVERY need was taken care of? You did an awesome job, and I really enjoyed having you around! Thank You!

I realised that most EVERYONE at Church seemed truly incredibly happy. The kids, the singers, sound tech, they were all very accomodating, and kind and cheerful, and for a moment I felt that hey, I wouldn't mind being this happy myself.

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