Sometimes they just get it right. I mean how can anything with ?uestlove be wrong.
Neslo Days: Kuala Lumpur Pt.1
Four days at Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysian Yoyo Championships. Mostly just to visit the players over there, hang out and take a break from Singapore. Got picked up, we got hauled into a van kidnap style. Something like 47 people in one van.

When we asked for a places to eat around our hotel, we had no idea until Stuart mentioned A&W. Unanimous decision. Root Beer Float. Sorry make that a Double Scoop, Root Beer Float. I still think they could use work on their main courses though, their burgers are still nothing spectacular.

Triple Legendary
Dave Matthews Band plays
Jimi Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower and transitions into
Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven.
Sick. Be Back Soon.
I woke up on Christmas feeling feverish and weak. Endured that ish to do all the merry making and all that. Went to the 24 hour clinic at the end of the day. When the receptionist took my temp it read 36.5 (0.5 below normal). I joked that I wouldn't be seeing the doctor then.
Some More S'mores
In America, Roasted Marshmallows + Chocolate + Cracker = S'more.
In this case, leftover marshmallows are fried and placed on a Jacob's biscuit with Nutella spread. I didn't think it would be great but it definitely tasted awesome. Thanks F for the idea!
From the Overheard Conversations
Pepsi Cola 1, 2, 3!!
Most of the Important Things In the World
Have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Don't Need Another Perfect Line
So nice to see the Cello and Classical Music (specifically Bach's Cello Suite No.1 Prelude) still have a place in today's music landscape! Please Rock the Cello!
Let's Rock Out!
About time we got some good old hardcore rocking going on. None of that wussy emo stuff. Some no holds barred, guitar shredding, unapologetic, actually epic even before that word became trendy, heavy metal.
P.S. Please don't tell my mother.
Sweet Masquerade
Future Selfs
Today a boy lost one of his rare Digimon cards and was so upset he almost cried. I told him that 10 years from now, he will look back and think it's ridiculous getting upset over something trivial like that and he won't even care for Digimon cards.
I then proceeded to tell myself the exact same thing. Minus the Digimon cards.
Reminder to Check Out
The $20 Week: Days 5, 6 & 7
I realized I didn't post what happened through the last days of the week.
I basically felt a little sick on Day 5 but still went to the BBQ for some free food in exchange for some work done.
Day 6 the flu + sore throat combo kicked in full force. I still went to work and spent my last $3.50 on bottled water. Dinner was sponsored by a kind friend who owes me money anyway so that was a little :) on a bad day.
Balance left: -$1.50
Day 7 I couldn't take it and got Panadol Cold at $5.80. I had no idea those generic pills were so expensive and so terribly ineffective at making me feel any better. Pulled myself through work, went home and crashed.
Balance left: -$7.30
(BTW this Chinese Herbal Tea donated by a good friend is much better than Panadol Cold. Get it at your resident Chinese Medicine shop. 1 Bag makes 2-3 cups)

So it looks like I failed to keep within the $20 mark but hey, this still is easily the most economical week of the last 4 years of my life. I reckon I saved at least $30 there.
I guess the greatest thing I learnt was just how much I spend taking the taxi. This week alone, I've already spent $15.50 on taxi rides. I would have easily made the $20 mark if i took public transport instead :(
So once again Mr. Ong, manage your time well please and you can be a rich kid!
Sorry for the recent lack of updates! Basically been busy out with friends and studying for my exams and doing some work! Here's your obligatory end of year Christmas lights shot from Vivocity while unsuccessfully searching for my Power Ranger mask.

Such a Character
Songs usually are sang by few people using many words. Bobby McFerrin pulls one out of thin air with many people, using few words.
Twenty years after telling the world to Don't Worry Be Happy, Bobby is still amazing. I know that he's always been championing improvisation, acapella and crowd interaction for a while now but this is definitely beyond what I thought is even possible.
Save the World: Put This Into N.Korea Leader Kim Jong Un's Ipod
D'you wear a black armband when they shot the man who said
"Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories they shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam we got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin' for their promised land
And I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
The power hungry sellin' soldiers in a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
What's so civil about war anyway?
So Much Greatness
Crammed into 5 short minutes and a kickin soundtrack. Must watch.
Please note however, that the running on water and Federer hitting the can off the dude's head have been proved to be faked. A couple of the basketball shots too are possibly fake.
Tonight the Streets Are Ours
The most important film about art by the most important artist of our time. Not showing in Singapore, so email me (or just let me know) if you'd like to see it.
You should.
The $20 Week: Day 4
Taxis will be the death of me.
Taxi to make it in time for school: $3.00
Ham & Cheese Pretz: $1.20
Taxi to catch last bus: $8.50
Total Expenditure: $12.70
Balance Left: $2.00
I don't know how I'm going to survive the next 3 days really. Really want to go to the Spinworkx BBQ tomorrow. I'm wondering if I can convince myself it was last week's spending and dish up the $10 for that.
The $20 Week: Day 3
Stayed home all day. Best move all week. Not only did I not spend anything, I convinced myself I was too lazy to go out there and satisfy my Tim Tam craving. BTW this was what I meant by Celestial Peaches and as far as I know, I'm right.

Total Expenditure: $0.00
Balance Left: $14.70
Second zero dollar day. I'm on a roll!
Rodney Would Be Proud
Kilian Martin takes Rodney Mullen's dizzying array of old school freestyle tricks and throws in a couple more boards, a whole lot of creativity, and a crazy ass tree plant @ 2:20.
Simpson Rocks Halloween
The $20 Week: Day 2
It rained extra heavy today because the Baby Gods were crying because I stole the Celestial Peaches from Heaven and they had none to eat. I kept them in my pouch beside the Western Scriptures and ate them for dinner. While they weren't that tasty, they kept me from starving.
Total Expenditure: $0.00Balance Left: $14.70
The $20 Week: Day 1
Get to school on time Taxi fare: $4.00
Bring a water bottle out next time Apple Juice: $1.30
Total expenditure: $5.30
Balance left: $14.70
Overspending already?
The $20 Week
Inspired by shopping sprees, dwindling funds and the Iron Maiden Concert, I have challenged myself to survive 7 whole days on S$20. That's November 15 till November 22 10a.m.

This S$20 will not include public transport, phone bills and home food. Everything else will be counted. I will make it a point to still try and hangout with my friends and NOT leech off them.
Time to bust out the Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwiches. Wish me luck.
Fashion Should Be Fun
Opening Ceremony and Agnes B drop a fashion video that's actually kinda fun to watch! I wish we could have fun like that with clothes and friends~
What is a G6?
I'm not sure there's a technical term for what he does @ 1:25. But I know that it is sexy.
From Backyard to Space
Father and son tie a camera to a balloon and send it to space. This is the footage.
I think it is such an amazing idea. To create your own spacecraft, send it to space and retrieve the footage, all with your son in for the ride.
I want to be that kind of father.
Like Secondary School
Gunslinger: All You Need Is Bullets
My question is this. At what point does it become more about juggling?
via Dimi.
Pretty Colours~
Pity the product looks pale in comparison though? I don't even know exactly what it is?
The Greatest Rapper You Never Heard Of
Will never be heard again. Michael Larsen better known as Eyedea left us 17th October 2010 and I don't know where to begin.
The world has lost a rapper that is in so many ways simply unparalleled. A genius ahead of his time, his raps appear many times difficult to listen to because they are some of the deepest, most profound hiphop ever recorded. If you actually read his lyrics as you follow his songs however, you find that they move you, inspire you and open your eyes.
Right now though, amidst all the sorrow, they just make me Smile. (Choice lyrics below to help you follow the song)
The sadly married set up alibis. No harm, no regret,hoping they meet an angel in bed that can wrestle the devil right out of their headsThis city runs fast, no one has time to sit with themselves,no time to look into our pain or see the same despair in everyone elseits here, its there, its everywhere tears soak each card the dealers dealtBut time taught me how to see every second as heaven even though they're perfectly disguised as hellDespite the wars founded by the rich, funded by the poorkids barely 18 are dying so billionaires can make moreelsewhere hungry mothers watch their babies starve to death in a beat up shack on a dirt floorI can only build if I tear the walls downeven if it breaks me I wont let it make me frownI'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the groundI'll still smile:-)
Rock Your Ride
The French are definitely over doing it but I really wouldn't mind getting to school late just to see two rival Kung Fu schools fight over me.
(If you're still clueless as to what's going on, I believe the train company gathers information on a few lucky commuters and plans an elaborate surprise as they travel)
Picked Up a Free Coconut Tree
Reed Space Online Store

I've always been a fan of Staple Design (the guys behind the infamous Pigeon Dunk) and their retail front Reed Space so it is nice to know they finally have an online store.
Like the brick and mortar establishment, the store boasts an excellent choice of products including this sneaker esque Desert Boot by SeaVees.
Mass Order/Spree anyone? >.<
Still Relevant
16 years ago this song became an anti-war sentiment that resonated through the world against in particular the conflict in Ireland. Today although Ireland now has peace, the world is still a troubled one. I hate to say it but 16 years later, this song is still relevant.
I hope I don't have to say the same thing 16 years from now.
Ice Cream Can Be Funny
Kobe Bryant: Let Me Do Me
To play in Jordan's wake is a tough thing to do and I think we've given him enough discredit. He has definitely matured into the greatest player in the game today and I think it's about time we let him do him.
Ahead of His Time
So Much Work, So Much Beautiful
Droppin more patterns than I ever thought was even possible, from France.
I Tried to Get Her to Buy Me Dinner
To Be Responsible For Your Own Dreams
You just can't deny. Goosebumps @ 3:45.
It is difficult to translate but I think when he said "要为自己的梦想负责", he meant to say the same way parents have a responsibility to their children to raise them well into adults of value, we have a responsibility to your dreams to turn them into reality.
You owe it to your dreams. Don't let them down now.
Heartbreak Music
Everyone is breaking up around me. My social network feeds are full of songs like these. But hey, they say the whole music industry is really powered by sad love songs and I guess musicians need to pay rent too so...
No Bells No Whistles
No fancy costumes, no crazy stage lighting
Just a performer, his ideas, and a whole lot of skill.
via Willie
I've heard that if you touch a certain part of a shark's nose they enter a trance like state. But to make a shark float vertically is just...
Ballin in the City
Elegant Tributes Do Her No Justice

I don't know her personally and I think few do. But if anyone needs any indication of her brilliance, just look upon this miracle of a city, breathe its air and feel its pulse. I think she gave us that.
Thank you Mrs Lee, and goodbye.
Final Four @ Tampines Mall
Digimon Data Carddass Finalists from left: Randell, Boon "Giant Killer" Hsuan, Leroy, Jia Jun.

Some very exciting matches all around. Great performances by 7 year old Boon Hsuan for coming in second, and of course Leroy, who at one point was down to one Starmon (Champion Level) but pulled off a massive comeback against two Creepymons (Mega Level) and then went on to win the competition.
Edit: I previously published that Boon Hsuan pulled off the massive comeback. That has been rectified.
How to Make Bubble Tea Mooncake
1. Get a tea flavoured mooncake. I ate the tea flavoured one so I'll use the yam flavoured one. Let's call it Yam Bubble Milk Tea Mooncake.

2. Flip it upside down and cut out a piece from underneath. Keep that piece intact (do not eat it).

3. cut up some pearls and put them inside.

4. Cover the pearls with cut out piece of mooncake.

5. Flip it over. Yam Bubble Tea Mooncake.

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