Instead of Studying

If I'm not wrong the guy catching the ball is supposed to touch the guy running in with the gloved hand (holding the ball).
Still the Greatest
According to the description, he said "Hey Mutombo, this one's for you." If you watch any NBA at all, you can tell by the sound that he got it in.
Kido House in Zirca
Enjoy Your Youth, Fuckers!
That was what I wanted to say in response to DJ Mandi's note.
Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground?
When protection meant wearing a helmet?
When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties?
Dad's shoulders were the highest place on Earth and Mum was your hero?
Race issues were about who ran the fastest.
War was only a card game.
And the only drug you know was cough medicine?
The most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees.
And goodbyes only meant until tomorrow?
And we couldn't wait to grow up.
Asia Pacific Yoyo Championships 2010: Outtakes Pt. 2
To Be as the Birds
Jumps 9 and 4 performed by Freestyle Motorcross Extraordinaire Travis Pastrana.
via Kengo
Asia Pacific Yoyo Championships 2010: Outtakes

Kengo rockin' the beer with the bao? Yes.

Our Taiwanese champion digging for gold? No.

Just chillin with (from left) Ernest, Sui Kai, Azrul, Random Naughty Boy, Chris and Kohta. Kohta told us about how a Japanese yoyo player was practicing lay on back loops and the yoyo smacked his balls WHILE winding up, effectively getting stuck onto his balls or something. They had to call the ambulance.

The Legend vs. The Hi Score
Possibly the 2 best players in an exhibition match.
Daigo is a living legend having won countless tournaments. Mago has the most Battle Points in the whole of Japan (everytime you win someone you get some Battle Points) .
The Reason I'm Not Studying
When my exams are a few days away is because when I listen to this song I must pick up my yoyo. Plus even when I'm not playing it, it's in my head. ARR~ IRRITATING~!
Great Idea!

I'm not sure how many schools are doing this but the Principal's Desk allows kids to suggest and leave feedback in an environment they're familiar with. The school justifies its decisions when questioned by the students, and the public nature makes sure no one posts nonsense for fear of looking dumb.
Sounds awesome to me!
It's About the People: Asia Pacific Yoyo Championships 2010
High Art Hijinx
Famous graffiti artist paints on public wall for no money. Public gets to view some intelligent art for no money. Gallery owner removes public wall presumably to make some money. Money from selling art piece goes to gallery owner?
But then again, it could all be a publicity stunt huh?
Infinity Ice Cream Singapore
The meal that inspired the video. 30 yoyo players taking out the whole section in the restaurant.

Away Message: Back to School
Skipping 1 week of school for a yoyo competition has its consequences. Be back on Monday ish.
Perfectly Contented
That was how she looked as she watched us rehearse backstage.
It seemed to pain me just thinking in maybe 15 years the world will make her fiend over expensive clothes, whatever male pop star is on the posters of her generation, make up, spas, diets, money, and all that.
Leave the kids alone.
Magic Circles
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