
The Grand Scale of Things

Stephen Hawking, possibly the greatest living scientist gives us something to wrap our heads around as he explains the universe, life, and how the gold ring on mom's finger was forged in the heart of a dying star.

It is remarkable how usually difficult topics are made surprisingly understandable (and watchable) with clever comparisons and computer effects. So if you're usually turned off by such topics, do give this a shot. With a little effort and thinking, you can follow one of today's greatest minds as he takes you on a fascinating journey through well.. everything.


Pick Your Sport

I was performing at the Youth Olympic Village, where the athletes were staying, and I was talking to a group of volunteers who I assumed to be athletes. I asked them what sport they were they in, and they said karaoke. I said "Really~!? Me too!".
I guess whatever you do, as long as you strive for excellence, to better yourself each time you partake in it, it's a sport worth being proud of. Starcraft, tech deck, violin, even though the rest of the world might not care enough to put it in some Olympic institution, I think as long as you care about your craft enough to go out there and put in the nights and the energy, that's worth paying homage to.
So go out there, and pick your sport.


Please Tell Jayson

This works better. New identity for the tough client.



Gatecrashing its way onto everyone's facebook page right now, this video's blowing minds like only a non descript Japanese dude in his room can.


Revenge of the Itch

I'm however really impressed at how cool my Chinese name looks here.


They Say Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

Wanna bet?

Don't exactly know what they're getting at but I sure do wanna find out. Besides a book my mom read being made into a movie definitely raises my eyebrows.


I Was Supposed to Be in a Barfight

But I got a hangman necklace instead.


The Future is Now

I always thought team routines was the future of yoyos. Recently though with the slew of team based performances/events, and Shaqler tearing up the World Yoyo Contest about 15 minutes ago, I think we're getting there.

Maybe one day we'll have a solid team routine in Singapore too? :p

I Did a Presentation


Raise a glass to the ghosts of lovers past

as we walk the thin line between love and lust.



Heineken back with their Hoah~!

Europeans take parkour to a different level.


One Terror Byte

That's 1000GB. Feels like I can download the whole internet.

If I Ever Play In a Rock Band

We'll play this kind of music.

vis Wei Da.

To Do List #2

Paint Sweet Classics
Paint Chuck Taylors
Paint Espadrilles
Watch Jay-Z's Fade to Black
Go get Motherboard warranty
Try to stay off video games.


Presentation Season

Usually at the end of the semester, there's a slew of presentations where we come together to present various things we've learnt. I tried to sketch as many of the presenters as I could, for fun.

It was while drawing that I realized there were a lot more girls than guys in my classes this semester.


all we have is our voice.


To Do List

Thank You Have a Nice Day
Call Yuying to see if they need a relief teacher
Go to the gym
Buy guitar
Lunch with old colleagues
Roti John with designers
Get rid of flu + cough
Have Fun.
It's the holidays.


Be Right Back

My computer died. That's one.
I don't have time to go repair it. That's two.
My exams are coming. That's three.
Regular blogging resumes on Friday or something.
In the meantime, fun song from my Taiwanese friend 阿勇 (Ah Yong) about having no money to pay for breakfast!

Ok he's not exactly Ah Yong but they look exactly the same. Mushroom head included.