
Training In Progress

very tiring.

Worked through the night at Lihouse hao's.. synchronising our movements can be really draining. Training today again. Think I'll get my camera along to see if i can show you guys a sneaketty peeketty.

We did a photoshoot for the show cos Supper Club wanted a photo of us + short write up. And I just couldn't stop giggling >.<
Lihao + Q + Mr. Ong

More Soon!

Dear Uniqlo,

this is nice and fun and all that.

But what are you thinking...?

Still, it's great to have you in Singapore. If you haven't checked it out Uniqlo is open now at Tampines One.

And if you had, please spare us the typical 
"oh they have the better stuff in JAPAN" 
or the 
"ah now everyone's going to wear it I'm not going to wear the one I bought from JAPAN anymore" 
or the
 "Uniqlo used to be better"

I think we should be thankful we have a new place to shop for good quality, well designed clothes that doesn't  jack up the price like 400% because we both know they very easily could've decided to do that.


Supper Club: It's On!

Yesterday night we went to the ultra hip too cool for yo' ass Supper Club cos Martina asked us over to talk about what we could do for them.

Supper Club in itself, is already a pretty new experience for most people. New meaning the ambience, the food, music, interior are all quite out of this world. For e.g. toilets are together, no male-female. Just cubicles. You sit on beds and have your food. What you'll be eating is a surprise. And that's not all of it.

So we were expecting to go to their office, meet with a buncha performers and work out something funky.

What happened was we met Martina, she asked us to follow her, and sat us in the middle of the restaurant. Not on the beds, but it's really just among the customers. Than she came and asked us "would you guys be ok with wine?"

I don't know about you guys but maybe because my meetings don't involve anything above $1000 usually they don't serve anything fancy. Anything at all actually. So that was crazy to hear, and even crazier to see it actually happening >.<

The talk was easy really. Actually not much actual serious talk. It really felt like let's just come down and have some drinks, some meatballs (which were weird but good) and shoot the wind.

But we'll be there! Second week of May if all things fall into place. Let's go!

Rockin It

at Jurong Point this weekend Sat Sun 1215-1300 Hrs

Drop by if you're free. If you're not, cancel all your plans and bring your mom.


Art Remedial: Stuff I Meant to Show

but the laptop doesn't link me up to youtube so here it is, Old School Apple Commercial.
How many of 'em do you know~!?
There'll be many you won't recognise but most definitely have heard of, studied and/or be affected by their work, for e.g. who actually knew what Picasso looked like?

Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers. 
The round pegs in the square holes. 
The ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, 
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. 
Because they change things.

They invent.    
They imagine.     
They heal.

They explore.     
They create.    
They inspire.
They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some see them as the crazy ones,
we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world, are the ones who do.


Art is Everywhere,

even on smiley chairs. Got a glimpse of this chair during rush hour once and almost forgot about it, so on my second last day I went hunting and found it.

At first I thought someone had the brilliance+mischief to use liquid paper to draw the eyes, and when someone sits on the chair (due to your uniform also being white) it will colour the mouth white completing the smiley face.

Than I found out that somebody just tore off the middle section of a white sticker.

That's Just One Side of Me!

*shakes hips*



This is difficult to write. Even before I started doing this, I've been wondering if I still have to keep being the Art Teacher on here or can I really be me and really go crazy.

Than again just thinking about it very seldom do we get to be truly ourselves outside the confines of the bathroom.

Anyway, the stance right now is that we should have nothing blatantly offensive or unhealthy in the form of language use or audio-visual content. One because I wouldn't like any issues with parents (you never know), two because the better part (yes I do have one) of me  is telling me we don't need to be offensive/vulgar to come up with interesting content.

On the flip side, I have never stood for censorship, I think it should be thrown out the window together with female gladiator sandals and Hip Hop Dance. There already has been some good content that I really want to put on here that I axed because of this and it is really quite sad.

What I'm thinking is that I'll lift the censors in 2 weeks time. If you're the easily offended kind, there are a tonne of blogs out there that are more interesting and politically correct than this one.

Don't get the impression you'll see a huge torrent of expletives and offensive material. I'll still be keeping 99.98% of the language dandy, but there might just be a little offensive material occasionally.

Will you guys be cool with that? I mean are you really ready for this? LOL. Let me know,

Yes Mom I Want That

How do you get more awesome than a T-Rex T Shirt. From Graniph!


I wouldn't want to be editing this video

So many video clips to cut splice weave remix and go crazy with. Can be a little difficult to listen to at first but stay to the last half-ish where they play the very beautiful main tune on crack.

Things to note:
-at least 3 instruments you probably have never thought anyone would take seriously.
-this one lady playing a trumpet one handed cos her other arm's in like a cast or somethin.
-the lady at 1:00
-dude playing the RECORDER (at least it looks like it)
-wearing a storm trooper's mask gets you anywhere you want to be
-this one uncle biggin up Oriental Music at 3:09
-the fact that they didn't just run one audio track over videos of everyone but let everyone's individual audio track come through when their video's up
-how great the bigass cymbals sound

Makes me wish I could do music. Anyone knows someone who can teach me to play the bigass cymbals?

Ugh.. We'll Just Call it.. DINNER!

Waaaay overdue but yeah. went out with the nice people for a meal at Heeren! We were at the (I think) newly opened NYDC at the top floor. Nice and quiet on a weekday.

This is Mr. Ong pondering the nature of the Universe and how Life will eventually become the anti-thesis of all Dark Matter in it.

Symmetry. If they did plan it I didn't realise it until I got home 0_0


What I had. Don't remember what it was called but I placed it somewhere in between decent and good.

Uncle Liang

Alex + Mr. Ong

The Tall & Handsome One

One day I'll be able to successfully label this picture "2A Players"

Sijuan is one of the nicest people I'll ever meet. Really.


Ugly Girl.

Everybody does the crazy face shot. 


Good Times.



So quite a few Sundays ago we did a gig at Causeway Point for the ICA people's attempt to make imbeciles stop buying illegal cigarettes. Literally spawned a crowd out from nothing so it was pretty enjoyable. Very receptive, very responsive crowd so seriously what else can we ask for.

Except trying to make random kids look as dumb as me.

Mc D's for lunch was all right. Until we found out it was Fee's Birthday so i quickly brought him to choose a cake from Mc Cafe (Fusion Berry which was actually pretty good!). 

When the lady was doing the chocolate sauce zigzag shizzle, i told her to lend me the sauce and wrote the Happy B'day around it :)

Fee throwin; up for N.E.R.D

Managed to get the Mc Donald's crew at Causeway Point to sing with us cos JJ, Fee's friend and me singing seems like too little people. Mad props to the Mc Donald's crew there for being so cool!

When the Shit Hits the Fan

everything I'm not made me everything I am.
-Kanye West


Hans on TV~

super cool friend of mine Hans got on TV! Check it!

and many people have been saying the other dude looks like me, which I really have to agree with except he's got not-so-bad hair. wowzies.



The first time I stepped into a class as a teacher thinking everything was going to be nice and dandy, I realised in 5 seconds, I had to throw everything I had planned out the window and rethink literally the whole game plan. The first lesson was a mess. In every way possible. Funny really looking back, I got no work done, class was unresponsive, no one was listening, and my voice was gone at the end of the hour. 

That class was you. (Chee-cher you don't know how to take photo ah?!)

Fast forward to the present I really don't know how I survived 10 weeks of your class but I did so whatever. Maybe it's the accent maybe it's the straightup nonsense lessons I disguised as Art maybe it's Keith Haring.

Or maybe y'all just decided to be nice.

Throwing up for the last day.

My favourite sepak takraw player. (ONLY COS I DON'T KNOW ANY OTHERS)

My favourite Chinese Drums player. (I DO KNOW OTHERS)


Hanyza notices everything.

Pamela, I hope your new hell isn't treating you too badly >.<

I swear I know his name. Srsly.

We are capable of..ar I forgot. I realised I didn't take a nice picture of it completed so if anyone of you have it stored in a corner in your phone do mail me/send me WHOO!

Jostling for Pole Position.

I don't remember 1/2 your names but I do remember thinking at that very precise moment "I will miss you guys"  T_T


Crazy People~ Class of 2B 2009

You know how everyone has their favourite teacher/s? Well teachers have favourite classes. Just sayin'.

Check out Bryan (I think his name was) who sits at the back coming up front just so he has his face on the interweb. :p

Only the Most Powerful Girl in the World will dare step into the world of Chinese Dance.

Naughty boys are camera shy. We know that already.

Isabelle as you can see, wants what all girls want. Love and Money.

Mr Ong + 2B

Qian Wei and SARAH ONG!


Throwups on the whiteboard~

Clement is going to be a professor. I'm already seeing it.

Kester is going to be a... alot better than me.

Chung Sze!

I can't get enough of Clement.

Shun Zi a.k.a alwaysmixedupwithchungsze

We have Loved the Stars Too Fondly to be Afraid of the Night.

Eugene and Keng Wee are going to be nerds. Just.Like.Me.

The messed up take 2 LOL I think i pressed the buttons wrong.

Final Cut!

-Kester is trying to do a Dragon Punch
-Pradesh Sean cannot coordinate his hands to put up the same sign
-Sze Min's got a gun to my head
-Bryan & Guoliang. No idea what they're trying to do.
-I break the world record for most number of spontaneous bunny ears possible on a single head.
Fun times :-)